better & Co.


What is 5G?

The 5G Method stands for the terms of Gemba, Gembutsu, Genjitsu, Genri, Gensuko.

  • Gemba (Real Place)
  • Genbutsu (Real Tools/Things)
  • Genjitsu (Real Facts)
  • Genri (Principle of Operations)
  • Gensoku (Standards Practices/

Utilizing the “5G Principles” will enable the leader to conduct the root cause analysis (RCA) in the right perspective.  To be precise, this 5G methodology is well adapted in QRQC (Quick Response Quality Control).

5G Functions

As and when we face problems or abnormalities, all 5G’s should be used to resolve problems based on experience.

As a results of applying this principles, we will get dual benefits. Firstly, it will provide a common methodology across the organization on how the data and facts are collected, and also recorded and used in root-cause-problem-solving. Secondly, benefit is such systematic approach of collecting data & facts brings in a common understanding of the problem across the organization. This is followed by the 5W1H approach


(Real Place)
Go to the place where it happened.

Gemba means the real place where the value is added, where the problems are resolved, where the work is happening. The Gemba is the location where the incident actually occurred at the source of the problem, which may not be where the majority of the losses occurred. 


(Real Tools/Things)
Examine the machine, tools, materials, and/or objects.

Genbutsu also termed as Genchi Gembutsu loosely translated means “go & see”. While at the gembutsu/genbutsu, the team should examine the equipment parts and materials that were associated with the problem or the failed equipment.


(Real Facts)
Check the facts, “phenomenon” & mechanism.

Genjitsu refers to data and facts around the area of concern. In this step, the team must gather all the data available about the 4Ms precisely say, process, equipment and materials before and after the condition of the problem. These data will assist the team in linking the facts behind the evidence that the team sees and what had happened.


(Principle of Operations)
Check the physical (or chemical) conditions; verify the principle of operation.

Genri refers to principles.  For example, prior to attending to resolve an abnormality or a problem, one should be aware of the principle of operation. This would help the problem-solvers to do the root cause analysis in the right perspective.  As a result of knowing the operational principle would help the team discriminate the current condition from the ideal condition.


(Standard practices/parameters)
Follow standards; check physical values.

Gensoku refers to Standards and parameters. There could be a possibility that the equipment failed because of deviations from the standards, moreover the method-standard. That is to say, verifying the Standards, SoPs, OPLs, JI (Job Instructions), EIS (Element Instruction sheets), enables the team identify the origin of the problem. Once the problem is resolved, the team should also ensure that the standards are revised accordingly as to prevent the recurrence.

(Source:, 2018)

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